Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Does anyone else...

...think of the opening scenes of You've Got Mail when the fall season starts to appear?
I DO! I love that part of the movie. Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) writes to the unknown "Shopgirl" that he loves the NY in the fall and it makes him want to buy school supplies. Also, he adds that
he would send her a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils if he knew who she was.
How romantic is that?!!
You see the beautiful streets of NYC, fall leaves, Cathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) briskly walking,
and the music of the Cranberries start to play. I have my own rendition (even with the Cranberries song) of this except in SLC and Blake telling me he will buy me school supplies (still romantic).

I love fall because of the cool crisp air, colorful leaves, and smell of change in the air.
Believe it or not I do look forward to starting school again (that quickly changes after the first few weeks) and of course with that comes college football season (GO BRONCOS!) . I love seeing
pumpkins in the stores and on porches. I love cooking soups and rolls and pumpkin pie with leaf crust. I love hot chocolate on a cool night and wearing jeans and sweaters. I love Halloween and the excited kids. I look forward to gathering with family for Thanksgiving. This is one of the greatest times of the year to reflect on blessings.

What a wonderful time of year.